
School 42 propose several "pedagogical pools", they are intensive immersion sessions in two weeks. The objective is beeing able to work on a real project around a specific technology/language, at the end of these two weeks.
Our work is divided into different exercices, every days focusing a specific aspect, and a group project per weekend, to put all this knew knowledge at use.

All the assets are provided by the school, although in some projects were are allowed to add assets freely, as long as the code remains entirely our work.
Exercices are not meant to be completed in their entirety, the goal is to go as far as possible, but as we are limited in time, it is possible to make strategic choices, like spending two days on a pdf at the sacrifice of the next.

My result

Session validated with a score of 104/100

Projects in this school are scored out of 100, 25 extra points can be awarded as bonuses.